Monday, 28 October 2024

Anniversary celebration "medals"

 In December 1917 was 100 years of Finland having become independent. Was it a year earlier I got in post an advertisement of a free anniversary celebration medal for Finns who such wanted. As I had two dogs, was fond of nature and the place I lived in was arts oriented town, with some practical life too and I was writing of big things in my opinion, I was trying to be religious too and sometimes doing handiworks. So such an anniversary celebration medal seemed to go with nature decoration objects, habdiworks, making home nice, plants on window, having pets, living on a street with an old times army name, and arts of course, reading library's books of ibteresting subjects. So I ordered such an anniversary medal, but when I got it, I did not know what to do it, so it was just on my book shelf. It seemed somehow aimed for doing lots of handiworks or somehow supporting the anniversary celebration of Finland, which I guess this Christmas gnome/elf skills subject too is about but afterwards. With medals it seems to be that those slow down lufe a lot, kind of thinking that the career is over and one ought to concentrate on educating the young, the next generation. I did not know such beforehand, I thought such could be avoided. But for continuing life I maybe need to put away such, or is it to not to value handiworks as representing life. 

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