Monday, 28 October 2024

Of inventions far ahead of time

 I saw a video of an ancient computer, that maybe was used to measure the positions of stars. It seemed made by the help of the wild nature by the sea shoreline somewhere in a warm climate. It seemed to use materials and ideas that were in the air, kind of versilns of the wild nature, instead of the block like precise thinking of education. So like a certain climate and place is good for certain professiobs, maybe the nature there too produces something with such a charm, but that is very far from repeatable work, especially it does not offer full structures to anything asked for that is of such a local kind. 

On the other hand even high skills learned in childhood and a personal hobby like interest do not produce such quality. And much less work like folliwing education in engineering instead of civiluced values and wusdom of life. 

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