Sunday, 10 November 2024

Of weather skills

 I was thinking of learning weatver skills when the weathers are quite tough. In weather skills it is important to make one's own individual version, individual healthy choices and adjustments each second, since people do differ so much, and since keeping company is not at all good for cold weathers or health. So one shoukd just live and look around to learn of the different optiobs that others figured out or choose to try if those would suit the occasion, and then jyst try something that seems to suit oneself. So one can across time learn a lot if one is interested in such skills, enjoys such sides of life. But on the other hand it often happens that one takes a too big bite, for example goes along with some more experienced or the whoke group somewhere in cokd weather is too unexperienced, and so they jyst go dizzy or get tired and do not learn anything much mire than that such can happen, and often they fall ill and get a flu or worse. So one major prequisite for learning weather skills would be to have a recovery option. Like one who catches a little bit cold, goes indoors and stayes in warm until the next day. Or like one with some days of summer cottage life, often enjoys going by car somewhere where there is slme vilkage or a tourist attraction or a shop. And especially if one tries more of summer cottage life, one starts longing for a washing machine for clothes, own hobbies and other town attractions. Simikarly if the task is to learn weather skills, a recovery possibility is a must. Usually that means indoors that are warm enough for example via several people there, and a long  enough pause, maybe some bread, tea, drying clothes, etc.

 ( I was wondering could one reach a simikar effect by a waterproof windshelter, where the upper part is like a box upside-down, and at least as much as three sides all the way to the ground level windproof. Maybe it could help to have also some maybe 20cm high wibd shelter also on the bottom of the ooen side (or only if it is only a door width instead of an open side), and something to sit upon. Would such be dry and warm, if it is in wind-shelter? Could one dry clothes, rest, eat a piece of bread, take the time that one needs and remember that twilight comes early on the winter half of the year? Well, I do not know. A shelter in which the air feels fully dry ought to be warm. )

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