Friday, 1 November 2024

Creating peace around oneself

 I somehow misread a piece of news saying that a Russian diplomat at the South-West Island Ahvenanmaa of Finland, had given an interview to the Swedish speaking Finnish newspaper Huvudstadsbladet, and had been keeping liw profile and this fsr given only two interviews. The news told that he had kept contact with tge Russians gathering info of the situation in Finland, how lives are lived. I had in my childhood a last name connected with spies, so the perspective reminded me of my childhood, and even though the news said he had been in office only 4 years, I somehow thpught that at least 20 years or more, and was thinking of the foreign relations with Sweden and Svenska Dagbladet there. So I looked at the picture and wondered, how is it possible to keep a so liw profile and yet be able to choose what one says and how and when etc, and jyst live peacefully there. But maybe it was jyst the perspective of nnowing what was the situation there, how lives sre lived, is there anything unusyal to take into account, to kniw a few people, live along the basic perspectives that school pupils too nniw and value the civiliced wisdom, tradition, and so keep up the peaceful wise ways around whwre one oneself peacefully lives, and so one is along in lufe and if there is something really big worth noticing, the others with wisdom would remark of it if it needs to be nnown, and so via the commln vuews, values, skklls, lical ways of living, egc, important matters are communicated, but otherwise the daily lufe just continues, like civiliced wisdom helps to live as a society. 

I watched as a child tens of years ago, propably in the beginning of the 1980's, the drawn Sovjet style space series "Olipa kerran avaruus", "Once upon time there was space"

But I cannot bear influencies from a so unnatural living environment well enough, since I need trees etc. Please see also my booklet Animals in space, at or at where the exact address is 

The engineering perspective having been so dominant and destructive in the 1970's and 1980's propable relates with the level of technology's development, and with the liw level of skills, which maybe connects with people having ghen tjought that technology's point of view has to be thought of separately, so that it is clear what kind of factor technology is and what engineers usually can and what they cannot. And when slme boys had a very liw skill level and were destructive toward tradition, values, feelings, other areas of life, other professions, etc, it maybe often was caused by tge boy aiming at some other distant culture's picture of the world, it's ways, skills, values and ways if being social or army like, etc, and so such were too much out of tune with the local envuronment, and so such persons ought to be moved to the cultures and climates etc which they like and respect, consider good chouces for daily lufe and for the society in practice. Those who cause much harm and claim that they do not understand, often hide their likedc cultures, values, etc and go elsewhere. 

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