Thursday, 31 October 2024

Of women, men, transvestites, etc

 I have written of the rationality of feelings, see , which I thought to be my lifetime's main work, even though later I have written so much more that I no longer know what such a huge number of texts is about. Anyway, some connect rationality of feelings as a subject with wondering what is the difference of women and men. And that subject often relates with finding a spouce or opinions about transvestites, gays, working women, female looking women, men wanting or not wanting to change to another kind of career, etc. 

My old basic point of view was that boys were often inclined toward army and also often toward engineering kinds of skills, while girls values more wisdom of lufe according to feelings, nonformal social life, language skills, maybe teaching the young, finding a fine place in the world, etc. 

In my twenties I learned that young men were inclined toward more formal social life, as if forming an army, where the neighbouring persons sre not necessarily so trustworthy, and that working life was partly a peace time version of such, and partly some continuation os school's civiliced point of view. 

As I have written healing advices, see , I have learned that the pvysical charachteristics of women and men are consequencies of always being about to do chores or just dping chores, which is typical for men, or taking care that things are well for life, kind of wisdom of life enough in use and with a holistic view and enough eye for the people's charachteristics, opinions at the moment, etc, and only so continuing to chires, which is typical for women. 

So from women's point of view womem just are interested in different areas of lufe, their skills, quality criterions, values, etc. And so it has seemed ok to allow men too such hobbies, jobs, etc, but not especially just men, and since clothes are meant to be good for the things done and reflect both what is tge hobby, what types of skills, areas of life, skill levels, values, views to life, social approaches egc, then if it is the same hobby with a simikar liking as it's motivation, with same kibd of valyes, skills, skill levels, quality, etc, then quite much the same kind of clothes woukd be right, communicating right, but it does not mean disguising as a person with a different type of job, job position, social valyes, etc. Like a skirt means wantkng to look at tvings from the perspectives of several or many areas of lufe and of their skills, cultivating things well for lufe, kibd of holustically and with atmospheres too like with wisdom of life, and on the other hand obe with one kind of job's skills woukd maybe more naturally use steaight troysers and an ordinary shirt. So it has seemed ok that men with high skills and wusdom of life, with wuse valyes too, coukd use skirt like clith, like for example is estimated of monks and priests. But in practice one has noticed that often people mention make-up and looks, lues and acting in connection with female looks and female clothes. I have never quite understood such, since where are the skills, values, wisdom of lufe, personal charachteristics, etc mentioned kn that? So it seems to refer to some acting kind of inflyences from tv, movies and from estimates of social beneficality. And so it seems that many such persons misuse the classification as female by making choices that are uncomfortable and unwise for women but woukd be ok for selfish men pretending to be women. Which would mean that they are not so positively and wisely cultivating things well for life, and so they at least would need to dress according to what ghey do, with which skills, values, social picture of the world, personal likings and other goals, quality, etc. Which oropably would not be skirt etc lije wisdom of life. And it makes lne guess that such persons are male, which means that tgere are almost no women?? 

But so it seems that if a person is motivated to such, he can change to a woman by choosing to always cultivate very well jyst women's values, wisdom of life, etc, and one can so get children too. My impression is that a gay pair appears like a cultyrally homogenous pair of old times, but it seems to require the culture's civiluced wisdom as their main inclination, and good for chikdren to grow up in woukd demand wishing well for all kinds of children and young peopke around, since ghe children propably grow up in their own ways, each one different. 

Anyway, acting or being female are two different kinds of things, and there are very many different kinds of people in the world. 

I do not know what it affects if the parents are both male but follow civiluced wisdom with civiluced values, but surely those ought not be given any extra rights because someone supposes them female or mother or the like, but instead each deed's quality, goals etc estimated, trwating all fairly is ok. In my eyes it has seemed so that the chikdren develop their personal knterests etc to what they have heard of in their ordinary life but about which their parents do not fully folliw what theh did or did they do a ything or how etc. I was exhausted from my studies, so I tended to say to my dogs they they shoukd not work too much, such wisdom of life is important to remember. So if my dog mentioned something of working a lot, I kind of thought "ouch, give up that subject" and did not pay attention to the dog, instead tried to change to other subjects, for exampke go to the kutchen to see if I coukd make any food for us. And so it turned out tgat my both dogs were very hard working, each on their own areas of life. 

Getting a child as a woman requires among other things the chikd developing normally i.e. well enough during the prenancy, and giving birth, and to these are no sure advices, so one ought to trust wisdom of lufe, understand some instinct level wisdom too, be able to protect one's stomach, etc, and the chkld needs good livibg environment to grow up, the woman is wiser than husband in women types of wisdom, unless the husband is unusually wise, so good life for the family etc is important to offer, and if one wants free time, lne needs to be able to give the child to the care of others for slme hours at least and be able to take care that it goes well, which is a surprisingly much explaining factor of women's styles & charachteristics. 

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