The subject seems to have ceased. If it continues, it is in another blog. See .
LEARN TALENTS AND SKILLS quickly, well and quite easily (SKILLS for a Christmas elf like life 8.)
Christmas gnomes/elves is a subject that almost all people around the world can read sometimes, without it being some special time except maybe Christmas or when in need of such view to life, and so such can increase general skill level around the world without needing to study. Skills of Christmas gnomes/elves: How is such life possible, a meaningful view?
Friday, 15 November 2024
Sunday, 10 November 2024
Of weather skills
I was thinking of learning weatver skills when the weathers are quite tough. In weather skills it is important to make one's own individual version, individual healthy choices and adjustments each second, since people do differ so much, and since keeping company is not at all good for cold weathers or health. So one shoukd just live and look around to learn of the different optiobs that others figured out or choose to try if those would suit the occasion, and then jyst try something that seems to suit oneself. So one can across time learn a lot if one is interested in such skills, enjoys such sides of life. But on the other hand it often happens that one takes a too big bite, for example goes along with some more experienced or the whoke group somewhere in cokd weather is too unexperienced, and so they jyst go dizzy or get tired and do not learn anything much mire than that such can happen, and often they fall ill and get a flu or worse. So one major prequisite for learning weather skills would be to have a recovery option. Like one who catches a little bit cold, goes indoors and stayes in warm until the next day. Or like one with some days of summer cottage life, often enjoys going by car somewhere where there is slme vilkage or a tourist attraction or a shop. And especially if one tries more of summer cottage life, one starts longing for a washing machine for clothes, own hobbies and other town attractions. Simikarly if the task is to learn weather skills, a recovery possibility is a must. Usually that means indoors that are warm enough for example via several people there, and a long enough pause, maybe some bread, tea, drying clothes, etc.
( I was wondering could one reach a simikar effect by a waterproof windshelter, where the upper part is like a box upside-down, and at least as much as three sides all the way to the ground level windproof. Maybe it could help to have also some maybe 20cm high wibd shelter also on the bottom of the ooen side (or only if it is only a door width instead of an open side), and something to sit upon. Would such be dry and warm, if it is in wind-shelter? Could one dry clothes, rest, eat a piece of bread, take the time that one needs and remember that twilight comes early on the winter half of the year? Well, I do not know. A shelter in which the air feels fully dry ought to be warm. )
Fathers' Day
Today is the Fathers' Day. The live puppy video's text in the news site said today that "The fatherdog is a considerate lover and a diligent achiever."
If one would need school's beneficial effect again, what in it was essential to remember?
" Always wish well for the world, for the living kind, and keep that always as major goal in everything, in doing things, deciding anything and in living your life, including all social contacts, things said, etc. Follow common sense, especially healthy basic common sense. Be fair toward all individuals, groups, ( things, goals, etc. ) (Healthy) wisdom of life. Value good quality.
Thursday, 7 November 2024
For a Christmas parade
Santa Claus of Indiana USA site sent some advertisement email of a coming Christmas parade. I came think of ghese links of mine
How far in the north
I was watching some picture of the leader of Ukraine with the former US president Trump. I wondered coukd one cease the war in Ukeaine by having in news, in internet sites about Ukraine always also some landscapes of snow, like for example snow upon fields, and in connection with Ukraine having available also old Russian tales from the north or quite north, so as to have some idea of what life is like as far in the north and of in which oart of the world Ukraine lies. Since I feel that often tge problem is foreigners coming without having any idea of the place, and so being aggressice instead of knowing that the clinate is like such and such famous town and the ways like such and such culture.
Often peopke who do not know the pkace use some mixed classifications like claiming to be the wusest because they compete because they did not succeed as well as others because they were not interested in the values, and so they did not pay attention to the thing itself like children doing chores with a somewhat Chibese or Sovjet style somewhat slow father, but ibstead they tried jyst to steal some poibts or reputation.
Or they went so far abroad compared with the cultures they valued that they did not understand the difference of the atmosphere of a peaceful or buzzling vilkage comoared with one round spot of even colour, kibd of the idea of the complexity of lufe undisturbed was foreign to them.
Of Kiov a place people know and are interested in, tgat comes to my mibd is Kiov as a working place, mainly indoors, brownish stmosphere, but I think that it is not tge Kiov in news about Ukeaine, or tgen those are just pictures from outdoors.
Of Helsinki comes to mind impressiln of some Russian town maybe quite central in tge north-south direction, and Nuuk of Greenlabd in pictures somehow has a similar atmosphere as I rememver from my chikhood, and also Iceland is often comoared with. Of the Swedish soeakkng Finkand the university of Turku or in Sweden is it Upsala, I do not know, but norther than Stockholm anyway and university impirtant. Sovjet academical tradition and sciences at large.
Picture of greyish sky maybe brings into mind how to live here, to which old wooden indoors, nicely put table with scarce bread etc saying that only with high natural healthy kind of skills it makes sense to live here, but mistly the sky isn't so evenly grey and the weathers vary a lot.
In tge muddle of a huge railroad turning or maintenancy yard there is the some tens of years lkd Helsinki hall or Hartwall Arena it used to be called, just asphalt pavement around, which is very untypical and maybe the reason for such a place chosen for it. It makes one llng for the trees etc which make the climate skills easier to learn and lufe more pleasant. The news say the hall has lately had no users.
If continued, tried at
The subject seems to have ceased. If it continues, it is in another blog. See .
" Always wish well for the world, for the living kind, and keep that always as major goal in everything, in doing things, deciding an...
I saw a video of an ancient computer, that maybe was used to measure the positions of stars. It ...
" See I made an internet search for "fine districts with local charm and high achievements", w...